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"If you don't promote yourself, you're doomed to defend yourself." Ken Haycock 


Local and State Library Advocacy Tools:


CT Association of School Librarian Website and Resources Connecticut's school librarian network for professional learning


CT Lib Consortium Continuing Ed Calendar: Calendar of events offered by the state library consortium which allow for the professional development of educators and libraries.


Connecticut Library Consortium Advocacy Toolkit Website housing advocacy tools and resources, inclusive of sample advocacy letters, bookmarks, and essential information to ensure survival.


Take Action for Libraries: A map linking to state library association pages outlining state/local issues and provide links to take direct action on the state/local level.


Toolkit for Promoting School Library Programs: "Messages, ideas, and strategies for communicating the value of school library programs and school librarians in the 21st century."


Talking Points with Statistics for School Library Advocacy: This information is put out by the ALA to help provide support when defending libraries. 


American Association of School Librarian's: Standards for the 21st Century Learner

These standards document the correlation between school libraries and the skills they are required to teach in order for students to exhibit success in the 21st century. 


Brochures, Articles, and Infographics: School Library Advocacy Tools: This AASL webpage has direct links to various forms of multimedia which can be utilized to provide information inclusive of data and statistics to advocate for school libraries in a highly organized manner. 


Everyday Advocacy: 

The AASL initiative which details ways to advocate within communities and beyond. 


CT Education News from Education Week: The Education Week Research Center is a division of Editorial Projects in Education, the non-profit organization that publishes Education Week. This feed provides the latest state education news. 

Teacher Librarian is a professional journal for school library professionals. 

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